This trip will no longer be bookable in this form from 2023!
The problem is that huge Arapaimas are from 150kg to 250kg / 250cm up to 300cm / 30 to 50 years old. They are very sensitive, even with the most careful treatment the risk of them dying is very high! They are also extremely expensive and it is always a high financial risk to fish for them! If you are seriously interested in fishing for a Monster Arapaima and are willing to pay over 100,000 baht, ask us about VIP Monster Arapaima fishing!
Otherwise, go on our “normal” Arapaima trip:
https://www.thailand-fishing.com/arapaima-gigas. Large Arapaima are also regularly caught here! But not specifically.
Thailand-Fishing TFF Arapaima Team brings a few selected VIP guests per year to the best VIP MONSTER ARAPAIMA fishing in Thailand and maybe in the World.
Our Private TFF MONSTER ARAPAIMA Lake is located 250km/h outside Bangkok
in the north direction.
The more than 35.000 sqm large lake is in a quiet and beautiful landscape.
More than 30 years ago, Arapaimas were occupied into the lake and fished for the first time by Thailand-Fishing in 2018. And only by a few VIP guests on very few days per year.
The Arapaimas gigas are very very WILD and have grown into true giants with weights from 100kg up to 200kg plus. There are no smaller Arapaimas in the lake.
This trip is very exclusive, expensive, special and unique but a fantastic opportunity to catch a Monster Arapaima gigas. Only serious enquiries please.
Here live most of Thailand's native fish species. Underwater lurk still some mysterious secrets.
Possible fishing time: 24 hours only with TFF Arapaima Guides - night fishing possible.
This trip can start from: Airport- Bangkok / Hotel Bangkok / Hotel Pattaya.
This Thailand-Fishing trips are including this cost :
• Transportation/Round trip.
• VIP ARAPAIMA fishing
• Top-fishing equipment
• Top baits
• VIP guiding with TFF Arapaima experts
• VIP Accommodation lovely Bungalow on the lake
• Catering
Photo service.
Enjoy our friendly service english/thai/multi language basic speaking team.

Arapaima gigas are native to northern South America in the Amazon and in the lower reaches of the southern tributaries. From 1960 Arapaimas were imported to Thailand. Most were kept as aquarium fish, but gradually introduced in lakes due to their size. In the 90s they were discovered by sport anglers.
As this rare, huge and mysterious fish attracted more and more anglers from all over the world, more and more Arapaimas were bred and introduced in lakes.
Now there are many fishing lakes in Thailand that have a few Arapaimas.
In some lakes there have been very good occurrences, a few have true monster Arapaimas
up to 200kg heavy.
These giants are very old and very very smart and make a real challenge to the angler.
Arapaimas are among the most expensive freshwater fish; large specimens cost several thousands U $. The death of a great Arapaimas is a big financial loss for the lake owner.
This explains the high prices for fishing licenses especially for Arapaima. Even with large and old Arapaimas there is always a high risk that they die after catching (heart attack).
Arapaima gigas is the favorite fish from Thailand - Fishing.
TFF-Arapaima Team loves hunting this beautiful and mysterious giant hunter.
A huge amount of knowledge and experience is at our disposal to guide you to this dreamfish.
The Thailand-Fishing TFF Arapaima Team caught thousands of these predators up to over 200kg in the last 20 years.
Info about Arapaimas in Thailand
The catch of a MONSTER ARAPAIMA is an unforgettable experience !!!
To give you an individual offer please let us know: from where to start the trip / date / how many anglers / escorts / special wishes.
Fisch Monster fangen in Thailand-Bangkok-Pattaya-タイバンコクパタヤでのフィッシュモンスターキャッチ-Fish Monster Catch en Thaïlande Bangkok Pattaya-Fish monster catch in Thailand Bangkok Pattaya-Улов рыбы-монстра в Таиланде Бангкок Паттайя-鱼妖怪在泰国曼谷芭堤雅捕获-Cattura di mostri di pesce in Thailandia Bangkok Pattaya. river monster thailand 河怪兽泰国 raksasa sungai thailand 강 괴물 태국 Thailand monster Fische リバーモンスタータイ речной монстр таиланд Pesca Arapaima in Thailandia.- Arapaima釣魚在泰國. - Pêche Arapaima en Thaïlande. - Песка Арапайма в Таиланде. ペスカアラパイマ タイニアで。arapaima thailand Arapaima Angeln in Thailand 在泰国的阿拉帕马钓鱼 태국에서 arapaima 낚시 арапайма рыбалка в таиланде memancing arapaima di thailand IT Monster lake Where can I catch arapaima? arapaima pattaya arapaima fishing pattaya arapaima bangkok arapaima fishing park 在芭堤雅的阿拉帕马钓鱼 파타야에서 arapaima 낚시